Potato pancakes, or latkes, are closely associated with Hanukkah, but with their warm, soft, starchy innards and crisp-fried crust, are actually one of the most universally appealing foods out there. Though they’re usually served as part of a sit-down dinner, they’re also a great cocktail party snack. And while applesauce and sour cream are canon, why not get a little creative with your toppings?
In the video above, we show how to make simple latkes—they’re not as messy and greasy as you might think—and suggest a few sauces and toppings to dress your party pancakes up with.
Finishers like fried apples and gingered yogurt hew close to convention while expanding the flavor profile. Others, like trout and avocado cream, take potato pancakes in a slightly different direction but stay true to the simple, filling pleasures of traditional latkes. Try these options or invent toppings of your own. With a delicious base like fried potatoes, almost anything goes at your next Hanukkah party.
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