Happy Eid! Here Are All of the Recipes You Need for a Celebratory Post-Fasting Feast
After a month of fasting, it's time to indulge.
Eid is finally here for those of us in U.S. time zones, and the eating opportunities are endless to celebrate the end of a month of fasting! For those who chose to observe Ramadan (or are just hungry observers of this article), you’re probably ready to take in the sun with a big Thanksgiving-sized plate of food in front of you, so we’ve got you covered with the recipes you’re looking for.
Ramadan represents the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is celebrated by Muslims worldwide as a devotion of faith, a celebration of life, reflection, and time for community and familial gatherings. During the month, which started on April 12th, those partaking in the holy celebration abstain from eating from sunrise to sunset each day—hence a major feast at the end of the month to celebrate self-control and restraint. We’ve gathered our favorite recipes to honor Eid and fill your buffet with a celebratory spread.