Great recipes for your crab feast, classic roast dinner, finger-food party, Italian family lunch, easy holiday buffet, and more.

From a Crab Feast to a Festive Meal for Two, These Holiday Menu Ideas Work for Any Type of Gathering
Photo by Thayer Allyson Gowdy, food styling by Robyn Valarik

There are certain things it’s almost canon to have at the holidays. There will be a centerpiece dish, like a roast, or a turkey, right? (Though even that’s negotiable.) But what about all the other elements? There are so many appetizer, side, and dessert decisions to be made that the choices can seem overwhelming.

In situations like this, it can help to pick a theme. Below, we have more than a dozen thought out for you, from a crab feed to a vegetarian feast and a meal made up entirely of small plates. You don’t have to stick to each menu exactly, of course, but we hope you’ll find the meal plans helpful at the holidays, or any time you’re entertaining a large group of friends and loved ones.

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