Fun Halloween baking kits for kids

A quick and easy way to get into the Halloween spirit with your family is the Happiest Little Baker’s very cute and festive Witch’s Hat Cupcake kit. My 6-year-old daughter couldn’t wait to get started with this project and counted down the days until we had time to bake. She oozed so much excitement that even my 10-year-old son couldn’t pass up the fun.
Lindsey Maurath, along with her husband and two kids, launched the business this year with the hope of creating memories in the kitchen for children. “For me, it’s always been a way to show my love to family and friends… I remember being a kid and rolling out the cookies at Christmas time, racing to get a beater to lick before my brother and getting cookies in the mail at college from my Grandma,” she writes on her blog. The idea is simple, but genius: Monthly baking kits geared for kiddos come straight to your door with non-perishable ingredients you’ll need for each project. The only thing you have to provide is the butter, eggs, milk, and of course, the kids.
So, this weekend my children and I opened up the kit to find a beautifully organized box full of goodies, like 12 bat-and-ghost cupcake liners, small bottles of vanilla and canola oil, packages of flour and sugar, tiny containers of essentials like baking soda, salt, and baking powder, and classic yumminess like Oreos and Hershey’s Kisses. Lying on the top of the box was a recipe card and a Halloween-themed activity sheet with a black cat dot-to-dot and a trick-or-treat maze to pass the baking time. With everything premeasured and assembled at hand, it made whipping up the ingredients a cinch and (gasp!) a little less messy, too. All we had to look for in our fridge was buttermilk, eggs, milk, and butter.
The dozen golden-hued, vanilla cupcakes turned out surprisingly moist and deliciously full of flavor. And once the treats cooled after baking, the children started decorating by whipping up two different colors of frosting (the included orange and purple) and unwrapping Hershey’s Kisses. The one thing that was missing on the recipe card was a photo of the finished cupcake, rather than just an illustration. But this was just as well, since my children also made a couple of their own creative cupcakes, using the frosting to make faces instead of the instructed witch’s hat. In one afternoon, we all agreed we had found a fun and simple way to welcome Halloween!
To get started, subscriptions to the Happiest Little Baker are $32 per month and include an allergy-friendly option. Order the special holiday Witch’s Hat Baking Box on its own from $34. For more spirited eats, check out Sunset‘s recipes for cocktail madness and candy emoji ghosts.