Essential No. 2: The taco truck

La Estrella. La Isla Bonita. Gaudily painted, grandly named, the taco truck combines two American passions: tricked-out wheels and good fast food. Taco trucks roll (and park) everywhere from Walla Walla to Denver.
But their capital is greater Los Angeles, home to an estimated 14,000 trucks, the best of which are rated on fansites like the Great Taco Hunt.
When, earlier this year, L.A. County moved to restrict the vehicles, all infierno broke loose. “In L.A., taco trucks are where people meet up,” says Aaron Sonderleiter, who with his buddy Chris Rutherford started the popular saveourtacotrucks.org (its call to arms: “Carne Asada is not a Crime”).
Sonderleiter’s favorite entrée? Carnitas at La Estrella at York and Avenue 54 in Highland Park. (“Amazing red chile sauce.”)
Find a truck
For locations of Los Angeles taco trucks, visit the Great Taco Hunt . Visit californiatacotrucks.com/blog for more California trucks.
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