California ranks 1st as most dog-happy state

Critics who say that California has gone to the dogs may be onto something. Today is National Dog Appreciation Day, and California has been ranked as the most dog-happy state in a survey conducted for a national pet food producer.
Milo’s Kitchen, which manufactures and sells dog treats, surveyed 3,000 dog owners across the U.S. to determine how regularly they engaged in behaviors such as petting their pooches, telling them “I love you,” or buying them treats or other gifts.
I’m not certain of the scientific rigor of this assessment, but here are the top five states:
Arizona was ranked 10th, while Montana and Colorado finished 15th and 16th. To see the full results, click here.
I’m celebrating National Dog Appreciation Day by giving our cockapoo, Pace, an extended tummy rub. How will you mark the dog day of August?
Related links:Go on a doggy playdate with Dogo, a Bay Area programThe dawn of dog-sharing