Put a platter of this one-bite party appetizer out near the television at your next game viewing party and it’s guaranteed to disappear before halftime. The cuts in the potato mimic the laced pattern on a football–just make sure you’re throwing them in a perfect spiral into your mouth and not at the TV.
We love the Hasselback potato craze so much, we decided that this potato style needed to be shared in bite-size form at parties. They’re far superior to regular baked potatoes because they’re extra tender and all of your toppings will seep down to the bottom for maximum flavor distribution. They’re a good source of vitamin C and the miniature size makes them so darn cute!
To make this mini Hasselback potato recipe, grab a bag of two-inch-long red potatoes and a sharp knife. If you’re having trouble stopping the knife from cutting all the way through, try setting a potato between two parallel chopsticks or rulers. Toss your cut potatoes with a healthy coat of olive oil and salt, then pop them into the oven to bake for about 45 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare all your toppings. We strongly urge you to shred fresh cheese instead of using pre-shredded and bagged cheddar. You’ll taste the difference! Once the roasted potatoes are tender, stuff them with cheese and return them to the oven until the cheese melts. The melted, crispy cheese left at the bottom of the baking sheet is for the cook to savor.
Set out a DIY baked potato toppings bar for your guests or decorate them yourself with Greek yogurt or sour cream, chopped chives, salt, and torn up bacon. For an added festive touch, we chose to display ours on a small piece of faux turf. Find one at your local craft or pet store.