5 Tips & Tricks for a Smooth Family Road Trip
Keep your kiddos engaged with these family road trip strategies

Summer is road trip season—that time of year when parents and kids pile into their respective family vehicles and head out to see the country one mile at a time. While these adventures offer great opportunities for bonding, they also can make kids pretty stir crazy. Here are some pro tips for putting your family in the position to enjoy the ride.
Stop Frequently
Road trips are kaleidoscopes of new cities, new landscapes, and new people. The best way to make sure your kids connect with these foreign experiences is to stop and encourage them to poke around. Stroll through tiny towns. Peruse community museums. Chat up local people. Setting aside at least one-third of your total daily travel itinerary should provide enough time for on-the-ground exploration.
Go Audio
Fighting the kids over screen time is a lost cause when you expect them to spend multiple days in the back of a car. Still, it’s a good idea to provide them with other choices. Audio books offer a great opportunity for the entire family to “read” together. Podcasts can be addicting, too. NPR’s “Wow in the World,” with a science focus, is both educational and entertaining.
Let Them Plan
Allow kids to take ownership of the road trip by giving them the opportunity to select at least one activity each day. Not only does this responsibility keep them engaged, but also it forces siblings to work together (bonus!). Kids can research possible attractions en route, either with mobile phone browsers, the AAA app, or old-school maps and guidebooks.