She is now 11. She’s a great advertisement for rescue dogs because she’s a fine dog.
Here she poses as Kim Novak in “Vertigo” in front of the Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco.
She’s the world’s best car traveler, content to sit peacefully in the backseat looking around at the world whizzing by her. Her favorite activities are walks on the beach, walks in the park, lying on the bed with us, and eating.
Favorite foods include anything containing peanut butter, but pretty much all foods are Della’s favorite foods.
She tolerates wearing costumes and dancing with me while I sing Rick James’ Superfreak. ― Peter Fish
Great pets of the West: Carl
When he’s done riding shotgun, he takes a nap in the back. Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Utah, California. This cat’s a road warrior. ― Mike Eiler
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He is a gentleman and welcome everywhere. Lucky little guy lives on a South Puget Sound beach where he can see Mt. Ranier from his pillow. ― Katie Eifert Shelmerdine
Belladonna Hazelnut
Popeye and Phoebe
She is extra special because she is in the breeding program, so all her babies train to become Assistant Dogs to very special people. Go, Canada, go! ― Jeanne McKinlay Hansen
This picture was taken with Buddy was traveling with us to Joshua Tree. ― Ann Weeks
She loves being able to watch what’s going on in the street from my bay window, and she also loves being able to watch the hummingbirds outside from the sliding glass door to my back deck. She really loves getting out onto that deck, but then she tries to eat the lavender.
She also loves lying in the sun on the kitchen table, even though she knows that’s against the rules. As is stealing guests’ sticky buns…but that doesn’t seem to be stopping her here. ― Chris Ryan, Sunset executive editor
Sweet Pea
Laurel Chicken flies the coop most every day and comes to spend the day in my yard. I save the tastier bits of my compost bowl for her. At one point I found a nest under my redwood tree with 10 eggs. Seven were still good, and I made delicious pear souffle.
She has since made a roost behind my back door, and I just have to look through the sliding glass for my (almost) daily egg. She is also very nice about removing slugs and snails from my yard. She makes very tender noises when I go outside and when I carry her home.
We both live in Menlo Park, CA, where yes, I do enjoy a regular walk to Sunset. Laurel Chicken does not accompany me. ― Laurel Shimer
I cleaned them with a mixture of water and bleach and put them on a deck to dry. Emma lay down next to them and gave a close inspection of these ivory-colored treasures.
We used this picture for our Valentine’s card with the caption, “count your blessings.” ― Peter Whiteley
Here she is enjoying the breeze at White Sands National Monument. Kenai is an avid traveler and accompanies us everywhere that is pet-friendly! ― Kristen John
Riley and Moose
Fro’s favorite spot is anywhere in the sunshine, rolling around and making squeaking noises. Fro doesn’t travel, but has an amazing pet sitter who spoils her. ― Stephania Sanchez Spielman
Tater Tot
We reside in the Napa Valley and what he loves the most about our ‘hood is the endless acres of vineyards (filled with playful lizards and delicious grapes — much to the chagrin of the local winemakers).
What he does best is makes me belly laugh…all the time.―Megghen Driscol
She also loves to “hide” behind a rumple in the comforter on the bed and then jump straight up in the air, often flipping head-over-tail to catch the scrunchy. Then she just brings it to the edge of the bed and goes back to her “hiding” spot.
She also like to ambush me when I walk in a room by pouncing, standing on her hind legs, boxing my calf with a 1-2 punch (wap, wap with her paws) and then running off to hide. ― A. Nitram
Here he is enjoying a swim in Eagle Lake, Tahoe, CA ― Andie Rosendin
Mr. Kilgore Trout
His favorite pasttimes include herding cats and people, road trips around Northern California, and playing with a stuffed hedgehog. ― Jennie Esquivel
He is thinking he is going to get a meal out of this and cleaning himself for a feast…but no meal here, Remmie! ― Kathy LaPose
Ella Mae
We’re running partners, work buddies (at a local nursery) and consider her our daughter when one of her many friends come asking about her. She’s 11 years old and still as active and spunky as ever. ― Brian Whyte
Abby and Kato
Both dogs love going camping, running and hiking with us. ― Kelly Sleeth-Kephart
Chowder and Lucky
In the summer we love to swim in this lake. We travel everywhere with our parents, enjoying camping trips in the beautiful West!
Although we are 10 years apart in age, we both love to play outdoors! ―Amy McEntee Fletcher
Jill Monroe
Piper is a 4-year-old Sheltie who bows on command and played ring bearer at our wedding. ― Heidi Pomeroy
Bryce is a full breed fox red labrador, who is fun, loving, and energetic. His favorite hobbies: chewing his bully sticks, going on long walks, doing tricks, and helping dad around the house. Hopefully soon we will be able to take Bryce to Bryce Canyon in our camper, but he is still just a puppy. (However, not just any puppy; he is our furry red baby.) ― Catherine Hallada Nohr
He is a welcome house guest whose motto echos that of a responsible forest stroll: “Leave no trace.”
The perfect day includes a ride in the car, respectfully greeting clients at Red Door Studio, a nap on the bed in the warm sunlight, a game of keep-away basketball on the WSU campus, hiking the closest mountain trail, racing along the sandy shores of the Pacific Ocean, a romp in the snow on Mt. Hood, or a fast game of fetch the stick in the Columbia.
A true Northwest native, Romy is ready for the outdoors, whatever the weather. She thinks ALL dogs live like this! ―Tina Eifert
We adopted out Cosmo’s sister, Zoe, and now Cosmo and Patches live indoors with us and our other two kitties. His blue eyes are now golden, but he’s still a cutie patootie! 🙂 ― Jennifer Alderman
She’s a Shiba Inu, and loves helping me dig when I garden, sleeping all day while I work, and the occasional road trip to Northern California. ― Gino De Young
Hope, Kane, Toddy, and Linar
They all are either current pups or have been involved the assistance dog program for Canine Companions for Independence, headquartered in Santa Rosa, CA. ―Laurie Dunne
Her nose takes her wherever she likes, but always comes when called. Loves to camp and dig (even though she knows better)!
She lives in beautiful Northern Utah where the sun shines and the snow falls! We love her! ― Jenn Zsiray
She has been raised with our 2 little boys, so is very tolerant of almost everything―even being buried in the sand.
We live in Sonoma, and she goes everywhere with us: camping, hiking, and even for rides on the family boat! She’s a wonderful dog, and we love her so much. ― Kristy Jackson Lewis
Ben and Scout
Now Scout is 5 months old, as tall as Ben, and they have become inseparable. They roll around the house and chase each other around the yard in a blur of black and white.
Scout’s worst habit is stealing vegetable trimmings out of the compost pile (the base of celery stalks, rotten eggplants, egg shells) and bringing them inside to play with under the kitchen table. ― Barb Newton
Of course I fell in love with her eyes and did not really care. I mean, it was Christmas Eve Eve, and I was at Stanford shopping center when I spotted this fluffy thing under a young woman’s coat.
The rest is well, love. Everybody loves her (except Taylor our other love, a Llasa).
Princess loves to play and play. She hides the ball then just waits… We are located in West Menlo Park, CA, a very pet-friendly city. ― Lisa Lovazzano
Zion and Monte
Being outside with them makes me aware of so many things I’d otherwise miss. ― Erin Silva
Rudy and Rosebud
They like to use the suitcase as a booster seat to give themselves a better view. This particular shot was taken at a coffee stand on our trip home from a weekend romping in the rain at Mt. Rainier. ― Kenna Pope
Dixie and Mookie
It’s the funniest thing to walk both and dog *and* a cat! I guess even kitties appreciate a good walk in nature. ― Celeste Spencer Romo
Boyd Tsavo
I live in Denver with my favorite people. They take me to lots of awesome places with them. We went camping at the sand dunes national park―my favorite! I got to rub my nose in the sand as much as i wanted! You should totally try it sometime! ― as told to Ashley White
On off days you can find him soaking up sun and eating cheese snacks. ― Cindy Rawlings
Mr. Frank Sinatra
I enjoy spending as much time as possible in the backyard. If not in the backyard, I can be found basking in the sun on the bed.
Some of my other hobbies include: eating, sleeping, sometimes a cat nip-induced play session, and getting my long hair groomed into a cut with easier upkeep.
I grew up in Michgan and currently reside in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona. ― Sara Westgate
Jake and Charlie
Jake is almost 15 and has been the brave and loyal protector of our kids his whole life. Charlie was adopted from the Baja Animal Sanctuary in Rosarito and is bilingual.
They don’t like to swim, but they love to sun! ― Dina Madruga
Don’t let him fool you; he’s been having the time of his life chasiing balls and swimming all day on the beach in Indianola, WA. But he’s too wet and sandy to come inside. ― Lara Strandberg
The beach at Asilomar is one of her favorite weekend getaways. Doggie heaven. ― Barbara Dietel Phillips
Boyd Tinsley
He enjoys long walks in the woods, swimming in lakes, watching others fetch balls, and an occasional treat from his cat brother’s litter box. (Yuck, yes I know!) He currently resides in sunny Scottsdale, AZ. ― Sara Westgate
Part feline (at least I think so), his second favorite activity is sleeping. His favorite spot in the house is the bed.
He also loves the car and can be found “riding the wave” (i.e. standing on the middle console) during drives. ― Erin Sierchio
Bailey tags along on most trips that we read about in Sunset, and is often welcomed in restaurants and wineries due to being so well-mannered. Bailey loves, in particular, Decatur Island, WA, where she can frolic with deer and sheep.
She is also part of what we like to call a “Community Dog Share” as she now has several “owners” who love and adore her. It takes a community to raise a dog! ― Nicole Davidson
Mocha Loca and Dallas
Mocha enjoys playing with squeaky tennis balls, running, eating everything, being queen of the dog park, and bossing Dallas.
Dallas likes chilling by the fire, snuggling under the covers, snoozing, and riding in the car. They both also enjoy traveling to LA and San Francisco, and they live it up like royalty in the Hotel Palomar, LA, where this picture was taken. ― Samantha Hamilton
His favorite activity involves hiding under our coffee table taunting our other dogs while playing because he thinks they can’t fit under it even though they can. ― Caitlin Ketcham
Claire is a cuddler who loves to go kayaking with my husband and me. She also thinks she’s the mother of our 3 backyard chickens. ― Courtney Noel Freitas
Jane and Stella
Jane, our 12 lb. miniature schnoodle, makes sure Stella doesn’t miss anything. ― Kathryn Dysart
This photo was taken at the Biltmore/Four Seasons in Santa Barbara. Every time we stay they bring her a blanket, bowls, toys, cookies and shampoo. She loves it! ― Susan Simidian Basmajian
Deesel is the best hiking partner, and loves to hike anywhere he can find water. ― Rebecca Prechtel
She lives in Fircrest with her family and 2 other chin girls to play and romp with. ― Mary Favors
She loves to go hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains. We recently rented a dog-friendly cabin in Julian and took her along. She had a great time in the mountains. I blogged about traveling with my pets here. ―Dorna Sakurai
While visiting Modesto Reservoir, the adolescent boxer decided the most appealing plants to chew just had to be hiding, so he tried a little underwater diving. Why does it feel like we always have to rescue Chompers from Chompers? ― Paulina Lopez
This photo was taken at a beach near Ventura, CA, when she was about 6 months old. She has just started dog agility lessons, which is mostly an exercise in me learning to be agile. ―Lisa Savvy James, Escondido CA
I travel up and down the California coast with her a lot, camping, and beach runs… she has been on a road trip across the country with me from San Francisco to Boston. ―Louise Bartlett
She loves the fireplace in the winter. It is her form of TV. Winters are cold here in the Antelope Valley, and she knows exactly where to go when she sees us hauling wood inside. ― Julie Kiester
Mira has made many friends at our local hardware store, where she opens the automatic door, makes a beeline for the cash register, and sits while she waits for the cashier to give her a treat.
She runs every day no matter how cold or icy and is a great swimmer though she has only 3 legs! ― Jeanette Calarco, Bozeman, MT.
She was Pacific Northwest born and made the move to Tucson, AZ, riding atop pillows stashed on top of boxes in the back of our SUV.
She will do almost anything to keep me off my computer (she’s about to lick my face)! ― Kim Duncan Mantel
She likes to sleep on my pillow at night in the winter. She meows at the doors so we open them for her and loves to take naps out in the sun.
With three teenagers in the house she is the only one who does not talk back! ― Wendy Christofk, Sunnyvale, CA
Here I am enjoying a day at Bruneau Dunes State Park. I also enjoy hiking the Boise foothills and camping at Lake Cascade. I am a good boy and loved very much! ― Natalie Linhart
She loves walks anywhere but especially on Del Monte Beach in Monterey, CA. This picture was taken a couple years ago when this was our backyard! ― Janet Browning
He also loves the car and can be found “riding the wave” (i.e. standing on the middle console) during drives. ― Dan Russo