On the Rise
To lift winter-weary spirits, head to Vancouver, BritishColumbia’s South Granville Rise, so called for the gentle gradethat climbs through the trendy district. Here you can check outdozens of art galleries, shop for clothing and housewares, andsample international food. To top it all off, a steam at an exoticTurkish-style spa should leave you relaxed enough to wait serenelyfor spring.
Vij’s Rangoli.
WHAT: Casual modern Indian restaurant that’s high-stylebut friendly. Try the savory chaat ― crisp wafers with mung beans, potatoes,yogurt, and chutneys. WHEN: Lunch and dinner daily. HOW MUCH: $ U.S. WHERE: 1488 W. 11th Ave.; 604/736-5711.
West Restaurant and Bar.
WHAT: Executive chef David Hawksworth’s inspiredcreations, such as silky red wine-braised sablefish with clams andbacon, justify a splurge. WHEN: Lunch Mon-Fri, dinner daily. HOW MUCH: $$$$ U.S. WHERE: 2881 Granville St.; 604/738-8938.