Olympic moment
Flying off a nordic ski jump at the Utah Olympic Park in ParkCity brings home one of life’s truisms: Before you take off, learnto land. This winter, classes at one of the world’s most elitesports facilities have been expanded for beginners who want tolearn how to catch big air or improve other snow-sport skills.
Nordic ski-jumping classes ($65) start on a 5-meter jump and endwith flights of up to 40 meters. The slope-style clinic ($65)teaches the moves needed to ride the rails and jumps in terrainparks. Thrill seekers can try the luge ($150), riding down theOlympic track on a high-tech sled, but the biggest rush is theskeleton ($150): After training, you get three runs down thetwisting, icy track at speeds of up to 60 mph ― headfirst.