Finally: Camp-Friendly Pour-Over Coffee
Roughing it is one thing. But going without good coffee while camping? Never!

As a camper, former barista, and full-blown coffee addict—who recently, in a fit of desperation, dug a bag of instant coffee out of a campground trash can in order to get my morning fix—I was thrilled to hear about an exciting coming attraction: Kuju Coffee‘s camp-ready pour-over coffee.
Kuju Coffee, a start-up founded by a pair of Eagle Scout brothers, Jeff and Justin Wiguna, aims to bring easily packable pour-over coffee to the camping, backpacking, globe-trotting masses. And, on September 19—after months of testing their product, meeting with coffee growers, and testing coffee blends—the Wiguna brothers reached full funding on their Kickstarter campaign to make their product, the Kuju PourOver, a reality.