Stalking style and history
Most of downtown is not as fully realized as the emergingarts acropolis along Grand. But with a growingpopulation―many moving into converted lofts in historicbuildings―the area’s ongoing evolution is apparent.Improbably, it has even become cool.
At the Downtown L.A. Standard hotel, the big draw is the bar andpool scene at the Rooftop―but the rooms are stylish and rangein size and price. Even if you’re not staying at the hotel, its24-hour lemon-colored retro coffee shop called the Restaurantserves up a great burger and a fine breakfast.
One good way to explore is to do what we did and take one of thenew guided walks offered by Red Line Tours. Suitably, the companyhas its small office in a true downtown landmark―the 1893Bradbury Building, famed for its light-washed lobby and ornateironwork.