Solitary sands
Ventura has beaches, but they lack the T-shirt shops,look-at-me roller-skaters, and all the other hullabaloo of theirsouthern neighbors. Ventura’s beaches remain, well, beaches:salt-sprayed, windswept on most afternoons, fog-shrouded in summer,and sun-graced in fall, winter, and spring. And, best of all,they’re often empty. A coast lover’s untarnished dream.
Take McGrath State Beach. Tucked 1 mile south of Ventura Harbor,McGrath is 2 1/2 miles of sand, dunes, and thundering waves. TheSanta Clara River finds the sea here―the break known as theRiver Mouth is a surfing favorite. And just behind the beach, anature trail winds through dappled tree tunnels and along theriver. More often than not, sand buildup dams the river, creating aplacid estuary that, though not well known, is on manybirds’―and bird-watchers’―radar.
“One of the best birding spots in Southern California,” localbirder Walter Wehtje says of McGrath. “During spring and fallmigrations, you can easily see 60 to 70 species of birds in asingle day.”