Mojave National Preserve, Baker, CA
The Mojave Desert is the California equivalent of flyovercountry – those endless expanses seen from 40,000 feet oncross-country flights. Every weekend, thousands of people head intothe great emptiness of the Mojave between Los Angeles and LasVegas. Few ever stop.
Unlike attractions in more traditional national parks, Mojave’smajor destinations (such as the Kelso Dunes and Cima Dome – one ofthe world’s largest Joshua tree forests) are spread far and wideover 1.6 million acres. But space and distance are part of theMojave experience.
From the interstate at 75 mph, it may appear bare and lifeless.But if you catch the Joshuas in bloom or a sunset that colors theland in purples and reds, you’ll never just race through withoutthinking of stopping.