Lands End Coastal Trail
From the parking lot above the Cliff House at Point Lobos Ave. and Merrie Way, the Coastal Trail winds for 1.3 bracing and beautiful miles and spits you out in the swank Sea Cliff neighborhood.
Marin headlands coastal trail
Climbs 1.5 miles (3 miles round trip) from the Rodeo Beach parking lot to the top of Hill 88 for views of Rodeo Beach, Bird Island, and the Farallon Islands. Take the main trail from the fire gate in the parking area.
Green gulch trail
Haypress Campground
Haypress campground’s five campsites are in Tennessee Valley, just three-quarters of a mile’s walk from the parking lot. No fee. 415/331-1540.
Kirby cove trail
On this 1.75-mile round-trip hike, the descent from the Battery Spencer parking lot leads to Kirby Cove, a pocket beach with a from-below view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Hawk hill trail
Mori point trail
Walk .25 mile south from the Pacifica pier and past the Sharp Park golf course to access trails that crisscross golden, grassy bluffs. End of Beach Blvd.
Muir beach owl trail
One of the most scenic—and undiscovered—hikes in Marin is accessible from the Muir Beach Overlook. The short, mostly easy path offers panoramic ocean views and a chance to see wildlife. A mile or so in, you’ll come to Slide Ranch, where you can watch goats and chickens roam the barnyard. Continue another .75 mile (the last stretch is steep) to the ocean and a secluded beach. Trailhead is at Muir Beach Overlook on Highway 1 in Marin.
Baquiano trail
This steep scramble starts at the east end of Fassler Avenue in Pacifica and ends, 1.5 miles later, at the Sweeney Ridge Trail, close to where the latter meets Sneath Lane.
Sweeney ridge trail
Access this 1.5-mile trail from Skyline College Parking Lot #2, in San Bruno.