Cold Creek oasis
Fed by springs and runoff from slopes that plunge from high ridges between Calabasas and Malibu, Cold Creek is one of those rare but welcome Southern California sights: a year-round stream.
In the upper reaches of Cold Creek Canyon, a dense riparian forest supports an almost junglelike world of small waterfalls and clusters of ferns. In late spring, brilliant orange and black Humboldt lilies bloom next to the creek. Stream orchids and rein orchids also grow in the canyon, which on warm, sunny days can take on a tropical humidity.
Considered one of the most pristine and biologically rich spots in the Santa Monica Mountains, this onetime homestead in the upper canyon is administered by the Mountains Restoration Trust as the Cold Creek Canyon Preserve. The trust has a busy schedule of hikes here and in the wildflower- and chaparral-filled Cold Creek Valley Preserve just downstream.