The frontier-busting forefathers of the Wild West got from saloon to brothel to gold mine on horseback (or so says every Clint Eastwood movie I've ever seen). But we modern cowboys and cowgirls have found our own ways of getting from point A to point B. Considerations are simple: low gas usage + minimal square footage required to park = wild popularity!
Are meter-maid mobiles the new Smart Car?
Photo courtesy of Scott Beale / Laughing Squid

Photo courtesy of Scott Beale / Laughing Squid

The frontier-busting forefathers of the Wild West got from saloon to brothel to gold mine on horseback (or so says every Clint Eastwood movie I’ve ever seen). But we modern cowboys and cowgirls have found our own ways of getting from point A to point B. Considerations are simple: low gas usage + minimal square footage required to park = wild popularity! Hence the trend factor of scooters,  Smart Cars, Segways, and bikes among those of us in urban areas. But, by far the oddest (and, come on, most delightful) mode of transportation to come into vogue out here is the retired meter-maid vehicle.

The benefits of these three-wheeled cars are undeniable: relative shelter from the elements, high MPG stats, and the ability to scare the begeezus out of any jerk that cuts you off in your sweet ride.

What would it take for you to make this your next set of wheels? Get help making the dream come true at

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