Half-and-half roof model
Half-and-half roof model
1. Build the 8- by 18-inch base from a 16-inch-long piece of 1-by-12, ripped to 6 inches wide, then edged with 1-by-2s.
2. Draw and cut one support piece from a 12-inch piece of 2-by-8.
3. Construct the gable roof so each side is the size of one half of the mud flat. You’ll need two 16-inch-long pieces of 1-by-12, ripped to 8 inches wide, for the roof bottom and 1-by-3s for the roof sides. The bottom pieces meet at the center peak with edges cut at 60°. The same angle repeats in the mitered side pieces, which should extend 1/8 inch past the bottom edges to create the drainage slots.