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1 of 5 Lisa Romerein
Revitalized Craftsman
An unlikely blend of materials and salvaged goods finds visual balance in this kitchen. A painted tin ceiling, stainless steel counters, and blue glass tile mesh seamlessly.
2 of 5 Lisa Romerein
Revitalized Craftsman
Tinted plaster lends a lush brown suede effect to the entry walls, transitioning to a gray-blue hue on the ceiling.
4 of 5 Lisa Romerein
Revitalized Craftsman
In the powder room off the kitchen, hexagonal tiles of Carrera marble form a narrow runner behind the 1908 sink.
5 of 5 Lisa Romerein
Revitalized Craftsman
The attic master suite is spare and contemporary. A throw rug (as well as Salvador Dogi, the couple’s Afghan hound) adds texture by the window
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Transformed Victorian
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