It’s time to celebrate—the new year will be positively brimming with fresh outdoor plantspiration.

Backyard Veggie Garden Overview
Caitlin Atkinson

The holiday lights are still up, and New Year’s has yet to arrive, but I feel it’s my duty to tell you what the garden and landscaping trends of 2023 are going to be tout de suite. After all, gardens don’t grow in a day, and winter is the best time to plan.  

To find out exactly what we have to look forward to in the new year, I asked the plant nursery Monrovia and Yardzen, the online garden design company—and they delivered. Each year Monrovia conducts a gardening research study by surveying 1,400 homeowners with above-average household income. They also ask more than 100,000 email subscribers what plants, colors, and gardening themes they’re interested in every month. The result is a reliable predictor of trends.   

Yardzen, meanwhile, gets their information straight from their clients, which means they can forecast trends according to what their customers are asking for in terms of garden design for the coming year.  

So, without further ado, let’s raise our glasses to 2023, and all the amazing new garden looks ahead. 

What’s Hot This Year

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