5 ways to protect your home from wildfire
When temperatures reach upwards of 2,000°, as they did at the climax of the Oakland/Berkeley Hills fire (Tunnel fire) of a 1991, everything burns and there’s nothing you can do to stop the oncoming conflagration. But if you take steps to make your house resistant to lesser fires, it may survive.
Typically, homes burn because the roof catches fire ― each broad expanse is an open invitation to windblown embers, whether from nearby homes or from burning vegetation in adjacent landscaping or wildland. So the best precaution you can take in a fire-prone area is to make your roof fire-resistant.
Roof materials are rated from A to C for resistance to fire, with A being the most resistant. Install a class A roof if you can. “The cost difference is so little that a B- or C-class roof doesn’t make sense. Class A roofs make for safe communities,” says Gerson Bers of Gale Associates in Mountain View, California, a roofing consulting firm.