Toss out tired plants and dried flowers and fill porch pots with spring bloomers. For two months of color, plant English primroses, forget-me-nots, Johnny-jump-ups, pansies, ranunculus, roses, snapdragons, stock, or sweet William, and add trailing foliage with English ivy or vinca. Stick a decorative spike or stake in the container, and every night prop a frost blanket on it to cover the plants, making sure the blanket doesn’t contact foliage and transfer cold temps. Add a couple of old blankets during severe freezes, and uncover whenever daytime temperatures are above freezing.
In the ground, plant seeds of beets, carrots, endive, kohlrabi, mesclun mix, parsnips, peas, radishes, spinach, and turnips. Keep the seedbed evenly moist and, as soon as the seeds germinate, mulch with 2 inches of hay or straw, adding more mulch as the seedlings grow taller. For added protection from frost, cover beds with floating row covers, removing covers from peas when flowers appear, so bees can pollinate them. These vegetables also do well in large pots or coldframes.