Star performers
FALL COLOR: Euonymus alatus, Fothergilla, Japanese maples, katsura tree, liquidambar, Parrotia persica, and sour gum. Buy them as soon as their leaves change in autumn so you can see what you’re getting.
WINTER-FLOWERING SHRUBS: Camellia sasanqua, Chinese witch hazel (Hamamelis mollis), Corylopsis, Forsythia, heath (Erica), Indian plum, ornamental hazelnut, pussy willow, Sarcococca, coast silktassel (Garrya elliptica), Viburnum x bodnantense, and V. tinus ‘Spring Bouquet’.
SPRING-BLOOMING BULBS: Bluebells, crocus, daffodils, Fritillaria, grape hyacinth, irises, snowdrops, snowflakes, and species tulips. They all naturalize in the garden.