Your Guide to Catmint (Nepeta), the Cool, Refreshing Perennial
A colorful perennial, catmint (a.k.a. Nepeta) makes a great addition to your garden
Planted at the edge of a path or border, perennial catmints (Nepeta) provide a refreshing haze of cool color over a long period, beginning in midspring. Loose spikes of small (1/4 to ½), clustered blossoms cover billowy plants that are usually broader than tall; oval, slightly rough-textured, typically grayish leaves grow ¾ to 1½ inches long. Many of the catmints are as attractive to felines as catnip (Nepeta cataria); susceptible cats will roll frenziedly on the plants and nibble the foliage. Young catmint plants usually need protection until they’re large and tough enough to withstand such ardent attentions.