Plant Amaryllis bulbs in containers early this month for Thanksgiving bloom or late in the month for Christmas bloom. Choose a pot that’s only 1 or 2 inches wider than the bulb. Plant the bulb, pointed end up, in commercial potting mix, leaving the top third of the bulb above the soil. Water once and do not water again until a green shoot appears. Place the pot in a warm, bright room and fertilize once a month. Tie tall bloom stalks to a stake to prevent them from falling over.
Set out drought-tolerant crocus bulbs now for color next spring. Crocus ancyrensis ‘Golden Bunch’ blooms as early as January in a hot, dry location. C. chrysanthus varieties are available in a range of colors, including lavender, purple, white, and yellow; they bloom right through February or March snows. Dutch crocus (C. vernus) bears blossoms 2 to 3 inches across in March. All crocuses perform best in well-drained soil in full sun. They naturalize well, increasing their numbers from year to year.